

Energy calcylation with BV²

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BV2 - Nyheter i version 2012
News in version 2012

In this version, there is now the possibility to automatically try different conceivable action proposals on a building. The program automatically selects the measures that are profitable and arranges them and the possible combinations of these in profitability order according to the Total Project model.

Calculation of specific energy use and reporting according to BBR 19.

Display of monthly values.

Turning off units parts of the year.

Display of heat balance. Partly for annual value, partly for monthly value and partly for different outdoor temperatures.

Ability to calculate carbon dioxide emissions.

Help to determine ventilation flow based on requirements.

Display of air flow profile over the year.

Display of solar radiation over the year.

Ability to simulate different variations of SFP.

Management of self-generated electricity such as solar cells.

Help to determine values for inter-heat from the operation in the building.

Help to determine presence in rental properties from statistics.

Variable air flow in CAV systems.

Store wall construction during U-value calculation.

Calculate wind pressure on building.

Different control temperatures for climate control day and night.